Leo Zodiac Silver Coin with Magnifying Lens in Frame
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac circle. The period of this zodiac sign lasts from July 23 to August 21.
Its element is fire, the symbol is a lion associated with fire. The patron saint of this zodiac sign is the Sun. Talisman stones: amber, diamond, emerald, ruby, topaz and chrysolite.
One of the most self-confident signs. The main character traits that distinguish Leos from the rest of the zodiac signs: energy, sincerity, vanity, pride, determination and stubbornness.
Leo (Latin Leo) is a zodiacal constellation of the northern hemisphere of the sky, lying between Cancer and Virgo.
The location of the bright stars really resembles a lying lion, the head and chest of which are represented by the famous asterism "Sickle", similar to a mirrored question mark.
The "dot" at the bottom of this sign is the bright blue-white star Regulus (α Leo), which in Latin means "little king". Sometimes it is also called the "Heart of the Lion" (Cor Leonis). Regulus's luminosity is 160 times higher than the sun's, and its high apparent brightness (1.36 magnitude) is explained by its relative proximity to us (85 light years). Among the first magnitude stars, Regulus is located closer to the ecliptic than others, so it is often covered by the Moon.
Give this amazing talisman coin to someone born under the constellation Leo!