Born in the Year of Horse Silver Coin partly gilded with Swarovski crystal on obverse

Price from:   1700 грн

Born in the Year of the Horse has a cheerful character, he is able to handle money. Clever, perceptive, although sometimes a lot of talk. Talented, everything does perfectly, keeps public's attention by drawn to flashy clothes or casual behavior. Self-confident, he knows his worth. Able to forget about everything when his senses are affected. In everything concerned to him, he puts a maximum strength and passion except his official duties. Loves entertainments and crowded places, loves to be the center of events. He is very independent and rarely listen to advice, made decisions in his sole discretion.
Excellent companion, sympathetic friend, to be with him is always easy and simply.
Gift the borned in the Year of the Horse with this exclusive mascot - the remarkable silver coin!

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