Virgo Zodiac Silver Coin with Magnifying Lens in Frame

Price from:   3500 грн

Virgo (Latin Virgo) is an equatorial zodiacal constellation lying between Leo and Libra. In the constellation Virgo in the modern era, the autumnal equinox is located.
The brightest star is Spica (α Virgo), which in Latin means "spike", is a massive spectral double of magnitude 0.98. The star Porrima (γ Virgo), which means "goddess of prophecy", is one of the closest binary stars to us (distance 32 light years) with a very elongated orbit and a period of 171 years.
An ancient constellation. Included in the catalog of the starry sky by Claudius Ptolemy "Almagest". The Greeks saw in this constellation a variety of goddesses and heroines (for example, the Athenians - Erigone), but the most common version is that it is Demeter, daughter of Kronos and Rhea, goddess of fertility and agriculture, mother of Persephone.
In the images, Virgo holds a spikelet, which corresponds to the star Spica. Another bright star of the constellation is Vindemiatrix (Latin: Winemaker). It was believed that this was the young man Ampel, beloved of Dionysus, god of the fruitful forces of the earth and winemaking, transformed into a star.
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac.
In Western astrology, it is believed that the Sun is in the sign of Virgo from approximately August 24 to September 23, in Vedic astrology - from September 16 to October 15. The sign of Virgo should not be confused with the constellation Virgo, in which the Sun is located from September 16 to October 30.
Give this amazing coin-talisman to someone born under the constellation Virgo!

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